January 15, 2013

Yet Again

Emma grew out of her pj's. I haven't bought any for her for over a year now. I keep making them or using a random shirt/pants combinations. I've been meaning to make pajamas for every child before Christmas, but it never works out the way I plan it. Sooo… I cut out these couple weeks before Christmas. And only got to them a week ago. Yay on finishing things!

Sleepover PJ's

Yet again Sleepover PJ's pattern by Oliver+s. I keep returning to this pattern and the sewing part gets easier and easier with each time I make these. Made size 6 hoping they will last till next Christmas. I am sure I will be making more pj's for this girl as the summer rolls in but she's set for now. Used some flannel I had in my stash that I bought five years ago at a Black Friday event at JoAnn's. Crazy, huh?

Sleepover PJ's

We've reached a point when it is not enough to have two yards of fabric to make things for Emma. Sadly, I realized this when I was cutting out the pj's. I had to sew a random piece to a sleeve to make it work. You can see it on her left sleeve. So from now on I should hoard more fabric make sure to buy enough yardage to make things for Ems.

And I am leaving you with this staged picture of Emma in her new pajamas. That is how she thinks things need to be modeled. With a flower and a purse.

Sleepover PJ's


  1. so cute! love the fabric, and the sweet girl wearing it :)

  2. I looked and looked and cannot see the "random" piece of fabric you are talking about. Love the fabric you used (but are you allowed to have coffee on your clothes?) :)

    1. Ha, Masha :) I like to think it's hot cocoa in those cups :)
